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皮特·弗雷茨参加了“冰桶挑战”,以提高人们对A.L.S. 在马萨诸塞州波士顿的芬威公园进行了一项电子游戏正规平台.2014年8月14日,星期四. (图片来源:BC Athletics)

我在2012年的秋季学期遇到了Pete Frates, when I addressed the Boston College baseball team as their new chaplain. 那是我第一天参加训练, 我还见到了球队的工作人员:教练, 志愿者和一个高个子, 他是个运动健将,别人介绍他叫他“皮特”.”

After I talked to the team, Pete kept telling me how he liked my speech. “You hit the nail right on the head,” he said a couple of times. 随着实践的展开, 我目睹了, 在击球或训练之后, the players would come to Pete 和 talk about their swing or footwork. Pete offered them feedback 和 lots of encouragement, too.

皮特去世的公告 on Monday, his 生活 story has been featured everyw在这里 from 当地新闻媒体 to 《电子游戏正规平台》,到… 英国广播公司ESPN. 而不是排练皮特的传记——你知道他是一个鼓舞人心的年轻人,他帮助创造了 “冰桶挑战” 我想通过依纳爵精神的镜头来呈现他的生活. 更重要的是, I see Pete as a model for the Jesuit-educated student-athlete, the Jesuit-educated student 和 all students of Ignatian spirituality.


圣. 伊格那丢就是要进行选举, 在他或她的洞察力中找到上帝呼召退修者的感觉. 这次选举是一个重大的决定, 一种源于隐退者内心深处的欲望, 那带来神更大荣耀的.

I see Pete as a model for the Jesuit-educated student-athlete, the Jesuit-educated student 和 all students of Ignatian spirituality.

皮特是个欲望强烈的人. At Boston College, he was a student-athlete with a double major. 他最热衷的是棒球, 他的技巧, enthusiasm 和 leadership led him to the role of team captain. When graduation came, he still loved the sport he grew up playing. 因此,他离开了家人和朋友,前往德国打棒球,在这个以足球为运动之王的国家. It must have taken some serious desire about playing 和 teaching the game, 收拾好一切,前往海外.

When I first met Pete, he had already received his A.L.S. diagnosis, but he mentioned nothing about his condition. 病情还没有严重恶化. I could notice a subtle slur in his speech, 和 his step seemed a bit off. That day, Pete simply introduced himself, told me how much B.C. 以及它的棒球项目对他的意义,确保我在这个项目中有宾至如归的感觉. Pete was not the kind of person to draw attention to himself. He was t在这里 for a deeper purpose: to help those around him.

通过这一切, 以及未来的岁月, he shared his passion for the game with the players, 一个接一个. 最重要的是, 他有强烈的教育愿望, 为这个项目服务, 回馈给他这么多的地方,让每个人都觉得他们可以充分发挥自己的潜力. 即使在轮椅上,他也会这样做. 当他不能再说话时,他给球员发短信,给予更多的建议和鼓励. Pete’s deep desire was to see others be their best selves.

“上帝的荣耀就是充满活力的人性。. 依勒内说. 皮特,在他不断关注和关心他周围的人,想要带来这种荣耀.

“上帝的荣耀就是充满活力的人性。. 依勒内说. 皮特,在他不断关注和关心他周围的人,想要带来这种荣耀.

学习谦卑: 把它留给下一个男人

Collegiate athletic programs have slogans that sum up their uniqueness. 波士顿大学棒球队的座右铭是“把更好的留给下一个人”.” In Jesuit-speak, this translates to “Be a man for others.B.C. baseball program is a school w在这里 young men learn to be men for others, 皮特是它的硕士生. Pete’s career as a student-athlete, as a member of the B.C. 棒球棍和A.L.S. advocate embodies the selflessness of “Leave it better for the next guy.”

当然, 他父母的榜样以及他在Xaverian Brothers的高中生活造就了皮特显然毫不费力的利他主义. 他在电子游戏软件的时光推动他在生活领域达到了更高的高度,使他周围的人生活得更好.

这是他一生中最艰难的一天, 皮特·弗雷茨开始思考他内心深处的问题:我怎样才能让这种情况变得更好,让下一个A.L.S. 病人?

然而,正是皮特大学毕业后的职业生涯表明,他是多么充分地理解和实践构成耶稣会教育核心的原则. 27岁的什么, 刚说他还能活五年, calls his former coach to say he sees his diagnosis 一个机会? The very day he received this awful diagnosis, Pete gat在这里d his family. 会议的目的是集思广益,不仅要解决他的疾病,还要帮助建立一个系统的方法来对付a.L.S. research so future 病人 would be given a fair fight against the disease.

这是他一生中最艰难的一天, 皮特·弗雷茨开始思考他内心深处的问题:我怎样才能让这种情况变得更好,让下一个A.L.S. 病人? 这种冲动的本质是一种为他人服务的精神,在谦卑中无私. 这不仅仅是一个白日梦:它是为几十年来被忽视的一种疾病筹集2亿美元筹款活动的动力.


In his attitude toward his diagnosis 和 his disease, Pete made good on his claim to have been given 一个机会. He continued to educate for as long as he lived, to make others’ lives better. He did not let his condition hinder his deepest desires. 这是圣. 伊格那丢称之为“冷漠”.第一次冥想 精神上的练习 叫做"第一原则和基础.“它为整个撤退定下了基调. 在这个冥想中,我们读到:

为此,我们有必要使自己尽可能地对一切受造之物漠不关心, 如此......以至于...... we do not necessarily want health 而 than sickness, riches 而 than poverty, honor 而 than dishonor, 很长一段比一个短 生活其他的也都是如此 我们最终只渴望和选择对我们最有利的东西,这是上帝创造我们的目的 (No. 23、重点添加).

皮特了, 年轻的时候, 实现了这种冷漠, this sense of complete freedom between health 和 sickness. 在他与A.L.S. 以及他对所有当前和未来的A.L.S. 病人, 他开始把每一天都当作是一份礼物,而不是担心剩下的旅程是长是短.

皮特对学习和运动的热情, 他渴望分享自己的天赋和才能,为他周围和身后的人创造更美好的世界,这是依纳爵式冷漠的真正谦卑的典范. 皮特在他生命中最意想不到和最伟大的斗争中始终无私和以他人为本的立场向我们展示了耶稣会教育可以产生的成果.

For those of us current or former students of Jesuit schools, 皮特不应该只是遥不可及的灵感. 皮特的生活是一幅现代精神练习的画布,也是伊格纳爵号召“点燃世界”的具体例子.”

For those skeptical of the role of religion 和 spirituality in our day 和 age, Pete’s journey should be a window into the power of God’s peace 和 power, discerned 和 lived for the betterment in the world.


文章首次发表两周后,评论自动关闭. 看到我们的 评论的政策 更多的.


今天来自信仰训导部的文本清楚地表明,从今以后, 通常来说, the Holy See will not declare any alleged spiritual phenomenon, 比如一个幽灵, 也就是说,作为真实的, 源于神的.”
红衣主教罗伯特·麦克尔罗伊, 罗伯特·巴伦主教和丹尼尔·弗洛雷斯主教与主持人格洛丽亚·珀维斯就教会两极分化的兴起进行了圆桌讨论.
Michael O ' brien2024年5月17日
Whether carefully reflected upon or chosen at r和om, picking a confirmation name is a personal 和 spiritual journey for Catholics, 反映与圣人或所爱之人的联系,并承诺体现他们的美德.
年轻人在为坚信礼做准备, 我看到了他们对生活中更多东西的渴望, beyond the noise 和 distractions of technology 和 social isolation.